
问答题Passage 1  Believe it or 1 , airlines really are trying to do better. They promised to improve customer service last year under pressure from a Congress which was fed 2 with stories of nightmare flights. So why is it that flying is getting 3 for s

Passage 1  Believe it or  1 , airlines really are trying to do better. They promised to improve customer service last year under pressure from a Congress which was fed  2 with stories of nightmare flights. So why is it that flying is getting 3 for so many passengers, even though airlines are spending billions of dollars to improve service, investing in new equipment  4 mobile check-in stations and portable phone banks so travelers can quickly rebook a  5 when it is delayed or canceled? The  6 is that air travel has always been such an annoyance, and customer complaints  7 the Transportation Department doubled in 1999 since 1998.  It seems Mother Nature would prefer people by bus this year. An unusual run of bad weather, featuring long walls of thunderstorms, has crippled airports lately and led to widespread  8 and cancellations. After similar problems last summer, the FAA promised to work more closely  9 airlines responding to weather slowdowns—for example, FAA and airline representatives now gather at a single location in Herndon, Va., to figure  10 the best way to allocate the available airspace. But even the FAA admits the new initiative has fallen short of expectations, and  11 passengers complain that the delays seem absolute.  Part of the problem is overcrowded planes. Based on the strong economy, U.S. airlines are expected to  12 a record 665 million passengers this year, up 5 percent from last year. On average, planes are about 76 percent full these days, also a record. That’s good news for the Transport Department, which are profitably loading more passengers  13 each flight, and  14 news for passengers, 15 irritations build rapidly in tight quarters.
更多“问答题Passage 1  Believe it or 1 , airlines really are trying to do better. They promised to improve customer service last year under pressure from a Congress which was fed 2 with stories of nightmare flights. So why is it that flying is getting 3 for so ”相关问题