
问答题Passage 4  [A] Don't beat yourself up if you end up falling into the habit again. Learn to forgive yourself and try again. Know that no effort is ever wasted. With every attempt you make yourself stronger.  [B] Challenge yourself to break your destruct

Passage 4  [A] Don't beat yourself up if you end up falling into the habit again. Learn to forgive yourself and try again. Know that no effort is ever wasted. With every attempt you make yourself stronger.  [B] Challenge yourself to break your destructive habits. Challenge others to challenge you to break your habits. Lack of study? Tell your mother, father, brother, sister, friend, anyone, to order you to get off your computer after 10 minutes. Gaining weight. Give half of your lunch to your coworker every day.  [C] Have an addiction to television? Turn on the television and avert your eyes and watch a shelf or a book for two hours. Not only will you gain a stronger will, but you will also "feel the strength of your addiction begin to fade.  [D] Do the act at different times or for different reasons. Do not do it when you feel like it and then do it when you just don't  feel like it. The idea is to remove the mental correlation of the act with the stimulus. The act will then always be a matter of choice based on your will and nothing else.  [E] The key is not to focus on the habit. Give it no more attention than it deserves. So don't focus constantly on fighting the urge. The urge is a very natural reaction that your body and mind are trained to. Have patience while your body unlearns it slowly.  [F] For instance, if you're lazy, be lazy about your habit. Think of it as too much effort. If you're a smoker, don't keep any packs easily available. Then you'll find it easy to be too lazy to go and get one.  Have you ever angrily stuffed the last doughnut down your throat? Have you ever failed a test in school because playing games is much more important than studying? They are all attributed to the lack of self-control. What is self-control? From the perspective of behavior research, it is a set of behaviors which: Accepts the reality that tile only thing in life which you can successfully change and control is yourself; giving you a sense of personal mastery, autonomy, and competency over your own life and so on.  If you cannot gain self-control in your life, you could: Focus all your attention on trying to control, fix, or rescue other persons, places, and things and divert your attention from your own needs.  Self-control is a control issue because it is exercising moderation in your emotional reaction to life so that you are neither over-controlled nor under-controlled in the expression of your feelings and it accepts responsibility for your own actions, feelings, thoughts, and life and gives power to yourself to accept the consequences for all of these.  The most powerful factor which undermines self-control control must be the bad habits. Bad habits act like a ubiquitous spook, when you are used to something, when you are lazy from doing something etc. And more awfully, when you've got plenty of ingrained bad habits from your years in hell, then it will be hard to figure out what they are and cutting them out of your life.  The following tips are about how to build your s self-control from breaking bad habits. By following these simple steps, one can build, strengthen, and maintain one's self-control.  (1) Act on your analysis and build self-denial first.  By this time, you have recognized that you are failing school. You have delved further into the problem and noticed that you spend much of your free time doing things other than studying or doing homework. In order to build self-control, you must practice self-denial.  (2) Not merely refrain from doing something passively.  Possess a strong will and still have self-control problems? Instead of removing the subject of your desire from your presence, deliberately challenge yourself with this subject.  (3) Try and vary the rhythm.  Rhythm is gonna get you: All habits are about rhythm. They follow a pattern of stimulus and response. The trigger could be an event, emotion, or most often just time. Break the rhythm and you'll break the habit.  (4) Use those negatives to break any annoying habit.  Use any other clashing habit or negative about yourself to combat the habit. It's easier to pick up a bad habit you can afford than fight one you can't.  (5) Don't try to quit painstakingly.  In conclusion, it would be wonderful if you could control your behavior. You'd avoid overeating, alcoholism, all bad habits, procrastination, being late, impulsive comments and purchases, sinful behavior, misplaced objects and papers, rushing at the last minute, etc. Instead, you'd have good health, a beautifully exercised body, excellent work habits, an organized life, success, good social graces, good mental health, healthy attitudes, and practically a guarantee of getting into heaven. So, strive for building self-control, though difficult.
正确答案: 1.B 第一点陈述的是要严格要求自己,首先要严格分析自己的错误并建立自我否定。选项B进一步说明如何在实践中建立自我否定。
2.C 第二点阐述的是要积极面对自己的坏习惯,强调不应该仅仅消极地去克制坏习惯。C选项举出看电视的例子来说明这一点,注意正文中的提示性词语“deliberately challenge”。
3.D 第三点阐述的是改变节奏来改变习惯。D选项便是进一步说明如何改变节奏。
4.F 这一点阐述了用一些消极性的坏习惯去消除另一些更恼人的坏习惯的技巧。F举例子来说明如何用懒惰这一坏习惯去抑制抽烟这一恶习。
5.E 第五点是阐述戒除坏习惯不能太刻意。E进一步阐述了不要将过多的精力投入到消除坏习惯本身,注意[E]选项中的提示词语。F选项有迷惑性,虽然它提到了用懒惰的方式去戒烟,但侧重的是用一个坏习惯去消除另一个坏习惯。选项A.阐述的是不能因为戒除失败便责怪自己,是对戒除失败后的鼓励,角度不同。
解析: 暂无解析
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